Friday, May 22, 2009

(15) Sandretto on poststructual insights

Susan Sandretto's (2009) article in "Studying Teacher Education" (S-STEP publication) was a delight to read - it sits nicely at the point where I would like to open up discussions within my collective networks, but which is beyond my skill and knowledge to write. Susan calls on authors most of whom I have read at some point and who have shaped my thinking.

Her thesis is that humanism is a default position that cannot be purged* from discourse and that post-structuralism provides a lens* which enables simple humanistic thinking about experience to be interrogated (troubled).

This is the argument I used in my thesis around the lazy 8 illustration of deconstruction.

* Susan did not use these terms.

1 comment:

  1. Her thesis is that humanism is a default position that cannot be purged* from discourse and that post-structuralism provides a lens* which enables simple humanistic thinking about experience to be interrogated (troubled).

    Following my first reading of this sentence I was going to ask you what SS meant. A second reading helped. My thought was, why would one want to 'purge' this particular discourse/world-view?? New lenses that enable interrogation, yes. But to 'purge' a way of thinking/articulating - has fascist overtones...??
