Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Glee - I've found out how to add pages to a wiki

Yahoo - what a name! I have found I can add one-pagers and other formatted documents to a wiki space so am delighted to be able to rationalise my thinking around what spaces I actually need to do the job of linking all my thesis related material together.

My next step is to find out how I link from here into urls. The expected link is not apparent. This is, by the way, a temporary post - I will delete it all when I put in a posting about the structure of my network of spaces. Here is Takahe's blog


  1. Why delete Elaine, when it signals part of your process of constructing a network of spaces. At least still let us see something of that process because it may be helpful for others....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Or should I alter that to say "thanks, Takahe?" This blog is public and you might prefer that? Noone else has been invited to join yet - and the chances of anyone we know finding it randomly are remote ... but - what do you think? The same question applies to the reading network too.


  4. Grrrrr - just posted a comment and the system ate it up :( the effect that I think I prefer Takahe. Still playing with online persona and who I want to be (or how I want to be named) in different settings.

    I like the idea of process entries. Not just technical process but thinking process. Writing as you are thinking, so that we can actually see the thought processes - the blind alleys, the wrong turns, the moments of insight... I think it's useful to model this for students sometimes.

  5. I have deleted a comments from the above - I am sad that it is not possible to edit comments as all I wanted to do was to alter one word - but I have corrected it here.

    Thanks, Takahe - I will leave it - and/but it is not a numbered entry - therefore it is a process entry ... so that is a little more of my emerging code

